Tuesday, March 15, 2011


March 13th, Sunday aftertoon, Coach Matt Monteiro brought his team to Wachusette High School for the states cheerleading competition to compete for the division 3 state title.

After Regionals, the girls practiced for four days working hard and doing whatever it took to hit a perfect routine. Former Gloucester coach, Eric Bichao, came to practices to help the team out to win a state title.

The team won the state title with a score of 91.375. All of the girls on the team jumped up and down screaming and crying when the announcer announced us for first place. "When the sun lit up on us in the pyramid in warmups I knew that had to mean something," says Coach Monteiro.

The girls hit a perfect routine even without dance music. Who needs dance music? The music for the cheerleaders had a scratch on the CD and stopped at the beginning of the dance but the girls kept dancing like nothing happened. After hitting our routine Eric said, "I don't know who this team is anymore...and that's a good thing. You girls finally know what passion is and I don't know what can top that."

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Watergate Scandal

The Watergate Scandal was a political crisis that led to the resignation of a President. The President that resigned due to the scandal was Richard Nixon.

The Watergate Scandal was a break-in to the Democratic National Committee at the watergate complex. It was said, Richard Nixon had a recording system in his office which recorded conversations that went on and he had tried to cover up the recordings but got caught later on and had to give the recordings up to the court system.

A security guard working at the Watergate complex noticed tape on a couple of the locks and not thinking of it he took off the tape and a couple hours later the tape was reapplied.

The Watergate Scandal was called watergate because it took place at the Watergate Complex.

The two journalists that uncovered the scandal were Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. There was also an anonymous source that helped the journalists was Mark Felt, also known as Deepthroat.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cheerleading Practices

Coach, Matt Monterio, has been working the East Bridgewater Cheerleading team very hard lately to get ready for Regionals. Monday night's practice was an easy practice so far but it was mainly cleaning up the routine so we don't loose points on the small things, like being clean, loud, and in sync. Today we have practice and it is going to be a tough practice but it will be worth it in the end. All the cheerleaders are working hard and doing whatever they can to be the best they can be. Coach Matt does get upset sometimes with how much effort we don't put into the routine but that only makes us learn to give effort all the time. We have to remember to always have passion and performing the right way. I personally, can't wait for Regionals to see what we score and how far we have come throughout the year. Every single cheerleader out there, even the alternates, have worked their hardest and we made it so far this year. Come support us at Regionals on Sunday at Dartmouth High School!